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Welcome to the New LCIA Website!

Welcome to the new LCIA website. We hope you enjoy the new experience and we welcome your feedback to help improve the site. If you experience any problems with the site or want to contribute an article, or photo, please email us.

New Features

Members Login

The LCIA members login is slightly different than what you have seen in the past and now requires a user name. Please enter “lcia” for the user name. The password is the same that was included in your initial membership email.


We’ve partnered with Zeffy to handle our online transactions including memberships, donations, advertising and volunteer sign up.

Zeffy helps us put more money towards the LCIA programs by asking for a small, optional, donation during your purchase. This sends 100% of your purchase to help fund LCIA and helps Zeffy keep their systems running to provide this service to us for free.

Finally, Zeffy also allows us to send membership information, immediately, after you join or renew online.

Digital Directory

The members section now includes a digital directory where you can look up lake residents by name. Rest assured, you can still download the directory to have on standby.

Article Search

Using the magnifying glass icon you can search for articles by key word. for example, type in the word “road” and get the lates news on the Puget Sound Energy work on Lake Cavanaugh Road, the temporary road closure between Lake Cavanaugh and Oso, or the lates news about North Shore.

TODO Tasks

It’s taken us many weeks to get the new website ready but still have a list of items to finish.

Populate Directory

Not all lake residents are in the digital directory at this time. This is a high priority issue for us and hope to have this completed in the next few days. In the mean time, LCIA members, can still download a copy of the directory to keep by the phone.

At this time the directory search is only by name and we plan to add the ability to search by address soon.

The downloadable version of the directory will be updated in the next few weeks.

Backlog Content

We’ve added content from the most recent public and members news letters but plan to backlog prior news letters to preserve news of the lake. We’ll also be backlogging the LCIA meeting minutes for

Search between sections

The article search between the main site and the members site is unique and an article posted on the public site will not be found when searching the members section search. We hope to have that fixed soon.
